Sunday, August 8, 2010

Yamaha Waverunner Owners Manual


My innocence almost makes me cry.
A. Rimbaud

Vomiting should be the only way I can rework the pain in the stomach and knead gently eject the street.
dirty sidewalks of sorts, and with tears in his eyes past the burping and spitting on long hair on blacks and fake beard, fake balls, fake kids always laugh, but they never tell the truth. And I have a rage that they would explode one by one and I will not chicken out and let me slip on some things. The streets come
rocks do not go out and do not you venture does not want to see.

The blond guy the other night. Only physical attraction. He smart, he sensitive. But it is a friend of one of the juveniles in question. You see, say hello, you are dubious because you've been drinking, then you'll be sorry, you do not know what to do. The attraction is stronger then you think you'd just fuck and forget it the next day. You do not. Do not bet a dime on you nor nor on him.
Some say I speak like a man. And maybe it's true. They are not as sensitive as you think D. I am not at all. Maybe overrated or maybe just tired of too many turns of phrase and delicacy not reciprocated. Bored with your usual routine and with nothing to say.

you imagine an auditorium and below them there, helpless worms that crawl and laugh, laugh always, and never strays from the usual place and the usual people do not know how to interact more with the outside and are polite but do not know then look into your eyes, do not hold the gaze even a moment. Take a position they do not like and you never understand what they think.
useless people who remained there, speckled, sprinkled on the sidewalk in a beautiful dripping vomit and saliva.

now is better.
And there are still things I want to say but I'm afraid. And there are another pair of eyes that fixed a few hours and I do not know if it is good or bad. Two eyes that make me good, for the moment. Today I would like to be

Alia, country and metaphor. Alia, where you see the fireflies and the stars will light the path, in the cold darkness of a night enlivened only the music of crickets and white mice, and day by cicadas. Alia
where you feel better taste and smell, and where there are no tonsillitis and even antibiotics. Alia
where you can travel 'by other means' and 'differently'.


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