The old woman comes to terms of tobacco by hand, and I am a strange effect. He says that the letter you
the pits her. It takes a stamp of sixty. When you lick the saliva dissolves the chin.
In this world in black and white I always feel a bit 'at home. As if there were the croissants with nutella if you were sick. Like when mom and dad when you were little, they leave you to grandmother's house in the morning and sometimes on Saturday night. Fabrizio Frizzi she watched on television and laughed. Instead, your grandfather laughed with Magalli. The television had already become effective. First a smile was simply a response to another smiling is not mediated by a screen.
happy you woke up on Sunday, and breakfast was hot chocolate and cookies. Then he looked at Jem ('Jem is my name / I'm a singer', etc. ...). There was
a warm glow inside that room, the warmer light that you can remember. The evening
bevevi water directly from the ladle.
The remedy for the fever was a drop of brandy topped with pomegranate seeds.
were always in a good mood.
Today you have asked your father if he remembers, since he was born, very low unemployment and a crisis so fierce. We said 'no, no and no'.
Each time you return to Palermo you feel that you have to smother with hot asphalt. Then the land of the desires of a sudden becomes generous, offers a jellyfish and sea without a sun that shines down on you teeth. The streets smell of clean waste, are the best in the world. Drinking water from the sea, swallowing color to cough him back from the mouth and eyes, hear the bells and fireworks, try the white mulberry, olive feel spied a silver you saw that you have seen grow and grow and feel your skin breathe wide-pore.
sun burns all the colors and lights.
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