Games Without Borders
swimming, fun games, competition, European cities, summer. So I remember, in short, the Games without Borders. As I was born were already on the air, and went on for many years. The teams of European cities and towns will compete in each episode tests involved in imaginative, often with the use of water, and puppets, foam, balloons and scenery. It was an international challenge, this was what effect. And then there were the judges, the historic ones: Gennaro Olivieri and Guido Pancaldi. After hours of time may seem like two idiots, but back then there were two types of armed ganzissimi whistle when announcing the File Rouge There was not laughing. Why, after all, us kids those fun races, unconventional and just made for the summer heat, after all, we lived as the serious challenges. And, I remember, my favorite announcer was Rosanna Vaudetti.
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